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Design Lecture Series: Fiona Raby

Archive of Impossible Object: The Globes (2019)
This lecture is presented as part of the fall 2021 Design Lecture Series, free and open to all. Registration is required.
Fiona is University Professor of Design and Social Inquiry and Co-director of the Designed Realities Studio at The New School in New York. She is also a partner in the design studio Dunne & Raby. She was Professor of Industrial Design (id2) at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna between 2011-2016 and was Reader in Design Interactions at the RCA between 2005-2015. Her projects with Anthony include Technological Dream Series, No 1: Robots (2007), Designs For An Over Populated Planet: Foragers (2010), The United Micro Kingdoms (2013), The School of Constructed Realities (2015), and Amn Archive of Impossible Objects (2019 -). She was a founding member of the CRD Research Studio at the Royal College of Art where she worked as a Senior Research Fellow leading externally funded research projects. She taught in the Architecture department for over 13 years leading ADS 4.