Transfer Applicants
External Transfer Applicants
This section applies to applicants who have already graduated high school and completed 12 or more college credits at an accredited postsecondary institution. If you are currently or were formerly enrolled in any Rutgers University unit (New Brunswick, Camden, or Newark), please review the section “Current or Former Rutgers University Students” below.
Early Action (only available for Art & Design applicants)
November 1: Rutgers University Application
November 15: Mason Gross Talent Assessment
Admissions Decision by no later than January 31
Regular Action
Art & Design, Dance, Filmmaking and Music
February 1: Rutgers University Application
February 15: Mason Gross Talent Assessment
Admissions Decision by no later than April 1
January 1: Rutgers University Application
January 15: Mason Gross Talent Assessment
Admissions Decision by no later than April 1
Steps to Apply
All applicants are required to complete two applications: Rutgers University Application – if you are interested in a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) or Bachelor of Music (BM) be sure to select Mason Gross School of the Arts as a school choice. If you are interested in a Bachelor of Arts (BA) be sure to select the School of Arts and Sciences as a school choice. If you would like to be reviewed for both, be sure to select both schools as a school choice. For more information on the difference between these degrees, scroll down.
Mason Gross Talent Assessment – all applicants to the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) and Bachelor of Music (BM) programs as well as Bachelor of Arts (BA) applicants to are required to complete a talent assessment. For more information on the talent assessment for the program you are applying to, please visit:
Current or Former Rutgers University Applicants
Students currently enrolled at another academic unit within Rutgers University (School to School Transfer) OR have taken a leave of absence (Re-Enrollment) from any Rutgers academic unit and would like to return and enroll in a BFA or BM degree program at the Mason Gross School of the Arts must complete the MGSA School to School Transfer/Re-Enrollment Interest Form.
Admission to our BFA/BM degrees require a talent assessment evaluation and an artistic application. After submitting this form, the admissions team will review your application and send you instructions on next steps in the process which will include the link to complete the talent assessment application, if required. Any questions about this form can be sent to
Students applying for re-enrollment may be exempt from the talent assessment application if they are re-enrolling after a short leave of absence from Mason Gross (a single fall or spring term) and have previously been artistically admitted to the school.
Note: Many programs only allow for fall entrance. If you are submitting for spring enrollment the admissions team will let you know if your program isn’t open for spring and encourage you to reapply at later date.
Spring Semester Start (open to Art & Design and Dance ONLY)
Email by November 1
Submit Mason Gross Talent Assessment by November 15
Fall Semester Start (open to all programs)
Email by January 1
Submit Mason Gross Talent Assessment by January 15
Art & Design, Dance, Filmmaking, Music and Theater-Dramaturgy, Design and Production:
Email by February 1
Submit Mason Gross Talent Assessment by February 15
Academic Criteria
From another Rutgers–New Brunswick school:
- 12 graded degree credits, excluding remedial courses
- A Rutgers cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.000
- College Writing (01:355:101) or an acceptable equivalent course with a grade of C or better
From another Rutgers–Camden or Rutgers–Newark school:
- At least two semesters, including the current semester, as a student in your present school or college at Rutgers University, also including at least 12 graded degree credits, excluding remedial courses
- A Rutgers cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.000
Transfer Credit Evaluation
To review the transfer credit evaluation process and policies of academic and artistic coursework completed elsewhere, visit here.
Degrees Offered
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) and Bachelor of Music (BM)

We offer the following degrees: BFA dance, BFA design, BFA filmmaking, BFA theater, BFA visual arts, BM performance, BM music education, BM jazz studies, and BM Composition. Students pursuing a BFA or BM must complete a minimum of 120 credits to graduate. Of the 120 credits, BFA and BM students complete a minimum of 85 credits at Mason Gross School of the Arts in their major field. All BFA and BM students are enrolled in Mason Gross School of the Arts and must complete a Mason Gross Supplemental Application, which includes a talent assessment (audition, interview, and/or portfolio). Some programs allow double majors and/or minors, but some do not.
Bachelor of Arts (BA)

We offer the following degrees: BA art, BA dance, BA music, and BA theater. Students pursuing a BA must complete a minimum of 120 credits to graduate. Of the 120 credits, BA students complete between 41-48 credits at Mason Gross School of the Arts in their major field. The BA Art program requires students to complete a Mason Gross supplemental application and talent assessment (audition or portfolio) before the major can be declared. The BA Music, BA Dance, and BA Theater programs do not require students to complete a Mason Gross supplemental application and talent assessment before the major can be declared. All BA students are enrolled in the School of Arts and Sciences or the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences. More than 50% of our BA students are double majors.

We offer the following minors: art, dance, music, music technology, and theater. Mason Gross minors require students to complete between 18-25 credits at Mason Gross School of the Arts. The minor in dance requires students to complete the Mason Gross supplemental application and talent assessment (audition) before the minor can be declared. The minors in art, music, music technology, and theater do not require students to complete the mason gross supplemental application and talent assessment to declare the minor.