Faculty & Staff
General Resources for Faculty and Staff
- Mason Gross School of the Arts Short-Term Leave of Absence Policy [PDF] and application form for faculty members seeking a short-term leave of absence for planned leave that is less than 10 days
Research is fundamental to what we do at Mason Gross School of the Arts. As an arts conservatory in a public research university in a diverse region with a robust arts scene, Mason Gross is uniquely positioned to forge new paths in the study and practice of the arts—to create new knowledge about and through the arts in ways that are rigorous, inclusive, exploratory, and engaged.
- Information about research at Mason Gross, including a link to the Research & Professional Activity Fund application, can be found on our research page.
- This research proposal development worksheet can be used to craft a proposal for a project or grant.
- The Rutgers Research Council provides funding for faculty research. A call for proposals is issued annually.
- The Pivot database is an important source of information about funding opportunities. Click “Use login from my institution” and navigate to Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey to log into the database.
- The university’s Office for Research offers support to faculty members seeking funding, as is the Rutgers Foundation. Faculty members are welcome to contact MGSA’s Director of Research to discuss research projects and funding opportunities.
Curriculum and Teaching
- The Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research (OTEAR, formerly CTAAR) offers numerous resources to help faculty hone their teaching skills, including workshops on topics such as instructional technology and classroom inclusivity, as well as a wide array of written resources on syllabus design, grading, and many other aspects of teaching.
- Mason Gross has developed this syllabus template, which instructors are welcome to adopt
- Inclusive Teaching Grants: The Mason Gross Inclusive Teaching grants are designed to support instructors seeking to revise their courses to better reflect the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion. The call for proposals will be announced each spring, with applications due in early summer.
- EDI Criteria: The Mason Gross EDI Subcommittee on Teaching and Learning has developed the following checklist for courses that reflect the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion:
- The course materials are ADA compliant whenever possible.
- The course uses open-access materials whenever possible.
- The syllabus and assignments feature work by artists from diverse backgrounds in culture, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, disability, gender and gender expression, sexual orientation, etc.
- The syllabus and assignments feature readings and other secondary materials by scholars from similarly diverse backgrounds.
- The syllabus and assignments expand the canon and/or consciously interrogate it.
- The syllabus and assignments avoid value judgments such as describing what constitutes a “great work” and instead seek to meet artworks of all kinds on their own terms. If the course uses texts that engage in such value judgments, instructors call attention to this language and interrogate it.
- The syllabus and assignments expand students’ worldviews and understanding of the arts in different cultural contexts.
- The language on the syllabus is welcoming and inclusive.
- The assignments recognize and account for students’ diverse learning styles.
- Methods of grading/assessment are designed to encourage growth and participation, regardless of students’ pre-college background and access to arts education.
- Sample resources on equity, diversity, and inclusion in teaching:
- The Classroom Inclusivity Series of the Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research
- Additional information from OTEAR about diversity in teaching, including culturally responsive pedagogy
- The Office of Disability Services, which includes links for faculty on accessibility, universal design, accessible technology, and other aspects of disability accommodation
- Information on creating an accessible syllabus
- Information on “specifications grading,” one among several inclusive grading practices
- Inclusive Assessment of Student Learning
- Additional resources, statements on antidiscrimination, pronouns, land acknowledgment, religious observance policy, sample attendance policy, disability accommodations, pronouns, and more can be found by consulting the Mason Gross syllabus template.
How to propose a new program or course: Having a new program or course approved is a multi-step process.
- This begins at the departmental/division level. Faculty should consult the Department Chair/Director or the Chair of the departmental Curriculum Committee about the documentation needed.
- New programs require pre-review by the office of the Senior Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs.
- Typically, the new course or program needs the approval of the departmental Curriculum Committee followed by the vote of the full departmental faculty meeting, but this varies by department.
- Once the course has received all departmental approvals, the course proposal proceeds to the Mason Gross Curriculum Committee. This school-wide committee meets at least once each semester to review new course proposals and substantive changes to existing courses. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs chairs the Mason Gross Curriculum Committee.
- Additionally, new programs or degrees may require approval by the state legislature or accrediting bodies. Department chairs/directors can work with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to determine what steps are needed.
- Below are documents outlining the Curriculum Review Process, as well as the forms and templates needed to propose a new course to the school-wide committee:
Faculty Development and Mentorship
Professional mentorship is an important component of faculty development, and it is in the best interests of individual faculty members, the departments, and our students that we implement a robust system of mentorship. In addition to supporting colleagues through professional milestones such as contract reviews, reappointments, promotions, and tenure, such a system can promote excellence in teaching, support innovative research, and enhance the sense of community across our school.
Opportunities for mentorship
One-on-one mentorship
As Mason Gross School of the Arts is building capacity for a robust system of mentorship, we will prioritize the mentorship of instructors and assistant professors, but gradually expand to include faculty at higher ranks. If an associate or full professor requests mentorship, the request should be granted if possible. If there are not enough faculty members in the department to fulfill this request, chairs/directors should be in touch with Ellen Bredehoft, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (
Department chairs/directors should discuss with each pre-promotion faculty member (instructors and assistant professors) what their goals are for the mentoring relationship and assign an associate or full professor as mentor with a view to meeting those goals. It would be best to align mentor and mentee as much as possible in terms of area of expertise and contract type; however, in a small school such as ours, this is not always possible. If the pre-promotion faculty member is on a teaching-track contract, the mentoring relationship may be focused primarily on teaching. For professional-practice-track and tenure-track faculty, the mentoring relationship should ideally cover both teaching and research. Each mentor/mentee pair should meet at least once per semester; a framework for these meetings is suggested below.
Faculty Development Series
The Mason Gross administration will also offer a Faculty Development Series, including panels and workshops that address various aspects of academic life. These might include teaching, research, professional networking, work/life balance, challenges for women and underrepresented minorities in academia, and preparation for promotion. The Faculty Development Series is designed to expand opportunities for professional development and share expertise from a variety of sources. These workshops are open to all faculty. Additional information is below.
Consultation with department leadership
All pre-promotion faculty members on the tenure track are required to meet with their department chair/director at least once per year to discuss their path to tenure. They must work with their department chair/director on the preparation of their promotion dossier, including their personal statement, form 1-b, and other required materials. Pre-promotion faculty members on the professional-practice track or teaching track are required to meet with their department chair/director at least once every other year (though more frequent meetings are encouraged) and work with their chair/director on the preparation of their promotion dossier. Anyone seeking promotion to any rank, regardless of their contract type, must communicate with both their department chair/director and the dean’s office at least three months in advance of submission of their materials in order to make their intentions known and allow sufficient time to collaborate in the preparation of the case and, if necessary, to seek external reviews.
Information sessions and consultation with school leadership
Each year, the dean’s office holds an information session for tenure-track faculty and another for professional-practice-track and teaching-track faculty to review the various policies and processes related to tenure and promotion.
Consultation with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
All faculty members who will be undergoing tenure and/or promotion review must send their personal statement, form 1-b, and other required materials to Associate Dean Ellen Bredehoft ( for review and comment. Additionally, all faculty members—at whatever stage in their professional lives—are welcome to contact Dean Bredehoft to discuss research plans, teaching strategies, or other questions.
The mentor/mentee relationship
Mentors are experienced faculty members who are committed to supporting their colleagues’ professional development in teaching and research, construction of inclusive professional networks at the university and beyond, and preparation for a successful promotion case. Mentors are willing to commit the time to meet with their mentees at least once per semester and to check in regularly via email or other means. Mentors are supporters, listeners, advocates, coaches, colleagues, and role models in fostering the values of integrity and open inquiry. Mentors give feedback and advice in constructive, open-minded, and sympathetic ways that support their colleagues and forge a sense of connection and belonging within the Mason Gross community.
Mentees are faculty members seeking to become ever more integrated into the Mason Gross community. They are looking to build their scholarly independence, capacity for research and creative expression, skills as educators and communicators, and professional networks at the university and beyond. They are open to constructive feedback and advice, and they are willing to devote the time to assessing and rethinking their practices.
The mentor/mentee relationship can work productively in both directions, since experienced mentors can often learn from those who are newer to their department and field.
Mentors and mentees should meet at least once per semester. The meeting can occur in an office setting or in a more informal one, such as over coffee or lunch.
A sample 60- or 90-minute meeting might be constructed as follows:
- Set the agenda: What issues are on the mentee’s mind?
- Establish the priorities: What do the mentor and mentee view as the most pressing or important issue that needs to be discussed?
- Address those high-priority issues: How are they manifesting themselves in the mentee’s experience? If it is a problem in the classroom, what resources or advice can the mentor offer to support the mentee? If the mentee is experiencing difficulty with research or presentation of their work, how can the mentor support or guide the mentee through that challenge? Is the culture of the department, school, or broader field affecting the mentee’s experience, and, if so, how can the mentor help to address those cultural factors?
- Action steps: what does each party need to do in the coming days, weeks, or months in order to address the high-priority issue?
- Follow-up: When will the mentor and mentee meet again? Plan to “close the loop” on the previous high-priority issues and also address the next issue on the list.
Mentorship and peer evaluation of teaching
Departmental responsibilities:
Department chairs/directors or faculty members whom they designate must provide a peer observation and evaluation report for:
- every assistant professor seeking reappointment or tenure,
- every faculty member seeking promotion,
- every first-time PTL, and
- every candidate for PTL Advancement.
It is recommended that all faculty and department chairs/directors review the peer observation/evaluation process here which lays out basic criteria for the evaluation of teaching and includes links to additional resources that may be helpful. The questions outlined there may be supplemented with discipline-specific criteria.
For the purposes of teaching observation, mentors should seek training from OTEAR (formerly CTAAR). Workshops are scheduled regularly; registration is online.
The following resources can assist department chairs/directors, mentors, and instructors in understanding and conducting the peer observation process:
- Overview of the peer observation process
- Rutgers classroom peer observation guide
- RASTL peer review rubric
Departments should review these materials and determine which they would like to use; they may also substitute other materials, but these should be consistent in overall content with the documents provided. It is advisable for the department faculty to vote on the criteria materials to be used for peer evaluation to ensure the buy-in of the full faculty.
Steps in the peer observation/evaluation:
- The mentor and mentee meet to determine which course and which class meeting will be observed.
- The mentee shares the course management site, syllabus, and other course materials with the mentor, and the mentor reads those in advance.
- The observation takes place; the mentor completes the rubric and writes a brief narrative summary.
- The mentor and mentee meet to discuss the class.
- The mentor finalizes the report.
- The mentee has an opportunity to read the report and respond in writing. The mentee may stipulate that the response be included in the file for reappointment, tenure, or promotion.
Faculty Development Series
Mason Gross offers a series of workshops and panel discussions—some featuring members of our own faculty with expertise in a given area and others featuring guests from outside our school—that address a range of topics related to teaching, research, and preparation for promotion. Topics might include aspects of teaching and grading, establishing professional networks, research and grant-seeking, challenges for women and underrepresented minorities in academia, and preparation of the promotion dossier.
The events in the Faculty Development Series are held at various times of the week and day to minimize the risk that a given faculty member will be excluded from all meetings due to their teaching schedule. Events will be held as hybrid in-person/remote events and, in most cases, recordings will be made available on the Mason Gross website. The schedule of events will be announced internally via email at the start of each semester.
Faculty members are welcome to submit their suggestions for topics or volunteer to serve on a panel by contacting Ellen Bredehoft, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, at
Faculty Appointments and Promotions
Faculty appointments and promotions are governed by policies established by the university and by Mason Gross School of the Arts.
Tenured and Tenure Track Faculty
Tenured and tenure–track faculty should see the university’s instructions and forms below. Faculty members at the level of associate professor or above who wish to be considered for promotion should discuss the timing of their promotion case with their department chair/director and with the dean early on to make sure that process goes smoothly.
Non-Tenure Track, Full-Time Faculty
Appointments, promotions, and evaluation of NTT faculty are governed by university policies and processes. Additionally, Mason Gross is responsible for setting criteria, policies, and timelines for NTT appointment, reappointment, and promotion. The following documents outline those policies:
- Reappointment and Promotion Criteria for Professional Practice Titles [PDF]
- Appointment and Promotion Policies for Professional Practice Titles [PDF]
- Reappointment and Promotion Criteria for Teaching Track Titles [PDF]
- Appointment and Promotion Policies for Teaching Track Titles [PDF]
- Reappointment and Promotion Instructions and Forms
- MGSA NTT Mid-Appointment Evaluation Form [PDF]