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Faculty work featured in Zimmerli exhibit on abstraction

Faculty work featured in Zimmerli exhibit on abstraction

From September 11 through July 31, Art & Design faculty Julie Langsam and Stephen Westfall have work on view at the university’s Zimmerli Art Museum as part of Crossing Borders: Geometric Abstraction 1960 to NowThe show, which Chief Curator Donna Gustafson describes as an opportunity to demonstrate how artists “play with the language of abstract forms in landscape and urban scenes, music and dreaming states, and in two and three dimensions,” is free and open to the public at the museum, 71 Hamilton Street here in New Brunswick.

Langsam has landscape photos on view, with geometric shapes painted atop the images, photographs she took while traveling across the United States.

“The forms that I draw on top of the images – what I call ‘interventions’ or ‘interferences,'” Langsam says, “are literally my own marks on the landscape, which I see as symbols or signifiers of the overwhelming legacy of our collective human impact on the environment.”

Read a Q&A with Langsam and Westfall on Rutgers Today. 

Image: Persimmons, Stephen Westfall, 2013, oil and alkyd on canvas. Courtesy of Stephen Westfall.