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Events at Mason Gross School of the Arts highlight the works of our student artists, award-winning faculty, and notable visiting guests. As the flagship public arts conservatory of New Jersey, Mason Gross is proud to present performances and exhibitions that enhance the artistic life of the university and the larger community.

Programming information subject to change. Fees may apply.

MGPAC Main Ticket Office


Mason Gross Performing Arts Center Ticket Office
85 George Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Contact Information

Questions? Email or call for assistance. Email and phones are monitored during daytime ticket office hours only. (preferred)

Hours of Operation

Daytime ticket office hours: Monday through Friday noon–5:30 p.m.

Hours will vary while classes are not in session. Please call the office. If we are unavailable, email the ticket office and we’ll get back to you during daytime ticket office hours.



It is highly suggested that tickets be purchased online in advance.

Obtaining Tickets


  • Go to the Mason Gross Events Calendar.
  • Select the performance to initiate the ticket order process.
  • Online ticket sales end 2.5 hours prior to the scheduled performance time.
  • Ticket fee: $5 per order.

In person, during the day

  • Visit the MGPAC Main Ticket Office on the Douglass campus during daytime ticket office hours.
  • Ticket fee: $0.

In person, at the venue

  • Ticket sales begin at the performance venue 60 minutes prior to the scheduled performance time. Kirkpatrick Chapel sales begin 30 minutes prior to the scheduled performance time.
  • There is no guarantee that seats will be available at this time.
  • Transactions relating to future or past performances are prohibited.
  • Ticket fee: MGPAC – $3 per ticket; NBPAC – $4 per order.

Phone Orders

  • Suspended permanently.

Free performances

  • Free performances at the Mason Gross Performing Arts Center are not ticketed.
  • Free performances at the New Brunswick Performing Arts Center are ticketed. No fees apply.

Accepted Payment Types

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Discover
  • Cash
  • Check

American Express: not accepted


Some exclusions apply.

  • Students & Children, age 5–college: One (1) discounted ticket per order.
  • RU Alumni: Two (2) discounted tickets per order.
  • RU Employees: Two (2) discounted tickets per order.
  • Seniors: Two (2) discounted tickets per order.
  • Groups: Public, Senior, RU Alumni, and RU Employee for groups of 10+. No fee.
  • Complimentary Tickets: Complimentary tickets are for Mason Gross students, faculty, staff, and guest artists directly related to or working on the performance for which they are requesting tickets. Complimentary tickets can be requested online and in person during daytime ticket office hours. Complimentary tickets cannot be requested at performances.
  • Rush Tickets: Rush tickets are last minute free tickets distributed directly prior to performances per departmental policy. Subject to availability. Rutgers ID required.
    • Rutgers Students: Student Rush is available at the venue from 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. All Rutgers Students can receive one (1) free rush ticket to Dance and Music performances. Only declared BA, BFA, MFA Theater majors can rush theater performances.
    • Mason Gross Faculty: Faculty Resources (Events + Parking)

Choosing Specific Seats
Mason Gross-sponsored performances at MGPAC and NBPAC are General Admission seating. Specific seating is not selected or assigned at the time of sale. For accessible accommodations, see the Accessibility section.

Under 5’s
Children under the age of 5 will not be permitted into any performance.
Children 5 and over must have their own ticket and seat. Some of our presentations include adult content and language. Strollers or booster seats are not permitted inside the seating areas.

Online Order Help

Online Account Login Issues

  • Incorrect Username Email: If the email was entered incorrectly during account registration, email during daytime ticket office hours for assistance.
  • Forgot Password: Select the Forgot Password link on the login page. A reset email will be sent.

Did not receive Confirmation or Print-at-Home email

  • Print-At-Home Email Lost in Inbox: Search by “Your MGPAC” and the ticket email will usually appear. If it doesn’t, email during daytime ticket office hours for assistance.
  • Incorrect Username Email During Account Registration: If an incorrect email was entered during account registration, an Order Confirmation or print-at-home ticket email will not be received within 30 minutes of completing the online order. Email during daytime ticket office hours for assistance.

Accepted credit card types
We accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover only. If any other credit card type is used, an error message in the payment window will not appear. Switch to an accepted credit card type.

Ticket limits
Ticket limits apply to the Employee, Senior, Alumni, or Student ticket types. Limits are clearly indicated next to the drop down for each type. Observe these limits and select another ticket type to continue.

Online Time-Out Timer
The online cart has a 20-minute time-out period. Closing and reopening the window within that time does not cancel tickets already in the cart. Open the cart, cancel the tickets, and start again.

Past Online Ticket Sale Cut Off Time
The online ticket sale cut-off time is 2.5 hours prior to the scheduled performance start time. After this time, purchase tickets at the door starting at 1 hour prior to the scheduled performance time. (30 minutes for Kirkpatrick Chapel.) Tickets subject to availability.

Account info
To access Account Info, hover over Events & Tickets in the header and select Buy Tickets. Select ‘Login’ in the upper left-hand corner. Enter username, password, and select Login. Then select the email address hyperlink in the upper left have corner.

  • Update Account Info: Edit any account info at any time.
  • Digital Content: N/A
  • Interests: Indicate interests by department and/or opt out of Mason Gross direct mail and emails. This will only opt users out for Mason Gross online accounts. If materials continue to be received, another account may exist. Opting out of emails here will not negatively affect print at home emails delivery for future ticket transactions.
  • Upcoming Performances List: Confirmations for tickets purchased online are saved to the Upcoming Performances list. Tickets purchased in person will not appear on this list.


Refunding, Exchanging, Reprinting, Donating Tickets

All ticket sales are final.

To request any of the services below, forward the order confirmation or the print at home ticket email with a brief statement of the request. If ordered in person, include the first and last name of the ticket buyer. Requests will be processed during daytime ticket office hours. After processing, the original tickets will no longer be valid.

Refunds will be issued only for performances canceled by Mason Gross. The ticket holder must request a refund prior to the end of the fiscal year (June 30 each year). The Ticket Office cannot refund Theater Appreciation or Dance Major tickets. Credit card refunds can take up to a week to appear on credit card statements. Cash/check refunds can take up to six weeks to process.

Exchanges to another performance are available before the date and time on the ticket. Exchanges will be made for performances within the original department of purchase. The difference for tickets exchanged to a performance of a higher or lower price will not be refunded or collected.

Lost tickets may be reprinted during daytime ticket office hours. Reprinted tickets can be emailed as print-at-home or be held in Will Call at the performance venue for pick-up beginning 60 minutes prior to the scheduled performance time. Will Call at Kirkpatrick Chapel begins 30 minutes prior.

Tickets can be donated back to the ticket office for resale prior to the performance date and time. A refund will not be issued. All income directly benefits the students and programs within the departments. Transactions of this type do not qualify for a tax exemption receipt.


Attending Performances

Venue Location

All venues are printed on the tickets. For addresses, see Maps & Venues.

Venues at the Mason Gross Performing Arts Center, 85 George Street on Rutgers Douglass Campus: Nicholas Music Center, Victoria J Mastrobuono Theater, Philip J. Levin Theater, Schare Recital Hall, Shindell Choral Hall, Voorhees Chapel, Rehearsal Hall room 104

Venues at the Mason Gross Performing Arts Center, 70 Lipman Drive on Rutgers Douglass Campus: Loree Dance Theater

Venues at the Mason Gross Performing Arts Center, 81 Somerset Street on the Rutgers Old Queens Campus: Kirkpatrick Chapel

Venues at the New Brunswick Performing Arts Center, 11 Livingston Avenue in downtown New Brunswick: Elizabeth Ross Johnson Theater and Arthur Laurents Theater. These venues are listed on tickets as NBPAC – E. R. Johnson Theater and NBPAC – A. Laurents Theater

Performance Timing

Venue Opening & Closing Times

  • MGPAC and NBPAC: lobby and ticket sales will open 60 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. The seating area will open 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.
  • Kirkpatrick Chapel: lobby and seating area opens at 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.
  • All venues: Seating areas close directly after the performance ends. Lobby areas closes 30 minutes after the performance ends.

Estimated Performance Lengths

Estimated lengths for many performances will be indicated on the individual event pages on the Mason Gross Performing Arts & Film calendar and are subject to change.

  • Performances with external groups, guest artists, special occasions, talk-backs, or multiple ensembles may increase estimated performance length times.
  • Estimates are only for Mason Gross-sponsored performances at the following venues: Nicholas Music Center, Victoria J. Mastrobuono Theater, Philp J. Levin Theater, Loree Dance Theater, Voorhees Chapel (Voorhees Choir only), Kirkpatrick Chapel, and NBPAC.
  • Estimates are only for Mason Gross-sponsored performances at the following performance times: Monday–Friday at 7:30 p.m., Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m., 5 p.m., and/or 7:30 p.m.
  • Dance performances have estimated performance-length times of 90–120 minutes.
  • Filmmaking performances have estimated performance-length times of 120 minutes.
  • Music performances have estimated performance length-times of 30–150 minutes.
  • Theater performances have estimated performance-length times of 90–150 minutes.
General Attendance Policies

Photos & Videos

Audio or visual recording of any kind on any device is prohibited. The management reserves the right to confiscate and hold devices until the conclusion of the performance.

Cell Phones

Silence cell phones for the duration of the performance. If they cause a disturbance, they will be confiscated until the conclusion of the performance. The house manager can hold cell phones in case of an emergency.

Late Seating

Late seating is subject to availability and late-seating times are determined by the sponsoring department.

Latecomers will be seated at the discretion of management. Patrons are placed in a pre-determined section of the theater. Tickets may be exchanged for another performance in the same performance at the venue up to 30 minutes after the curtain time printed on the ticket. If a patron leaves the theater during the performance for any reason, they will be re-seated at the discretion of the management.

Food & Beverage

Food and beverages are permitted in all MGPAC venue lobbies and are not permitted in the seating areas. Food and beverages are sold at some NBPAC performances. Bottled water will be permitted for medical purposes only.


Programming is determined by the presenting department. Every effort is made to make programming decisions in advance and keep information up to date. However, programming information is subject to change at any time.


Most performances now offer a QR code for digital programs and a limited amount of printed programs. Changes in programming may not be reflected in printed programs.

Lost & Found

The MGPAC follows all Rutgers Institutional Planning & Operations (IP&O) Policies:

  • Items found in venue seating or lobby areas at MGPAC performances are stored in the Main Ticket Office. Email during daytime ticket office hours with the title, date, and time of the performance at which the item was lost. Unclaimed items will be disposed of, donated, or turned into RUPD according to IP&O policy

Parking for NBPAC is managed by the New Brunswick Parking Authority.


Most venues are easily accessible via ride-hire/share. For Kirkpatrick Chapel, is it suggested that a note is added on the pick-up request to come up the drive to the chapel doors.


Security Procedures & Addressing Concerns

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, maintains a comprehensive public-safety program aimed at serving all members of the campus community. Detailed information is available on the University Public Safety page.

MGPAC performances are staffed primarily by Rutgers students from across the university and disciplines. Full-time staff supervisors are always present to assist with any issues that student staff cannot resolve. Please ask a member of the student staff to contact a supervisor.

Cancelled & Postponed Performances

Cancellation decisions are made by the department sponsoring the performance.

Information about canceled or postponed performances will be available no later than after 10 a.m. for 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. performances; and after 2 p.m. for a 7:30 p.m. performances.

For performance status, check the Mason Gross website calendar, Facebook, Instagram, or call the Ticket Office at 848-932-7511. Press 0 to access a message.

Refunds and exchanges may be available for performances canceled or postponed by the sponsoring department.


Rutgers DOTS Regulation
All parking regulations on Rutgers campuses are managed by the Rutgers University Department of Transportation Services (RUDOTS). RUDOTS parking regulations are in place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All Rutgers lots are permit lots. Visitor parking for MGPAC performances is available from 60 minutes prior to the scheduled performance time.

  • All Visitors to Rutgers Campuses, Including Accessible: Parking registration required.
  • Rutgers Faculty, Staff, and Students: Those with a current valid RUDOTS parking permit must follow all rules and regulations regarding lot assignment authorized by their particular permit. Rutgers faculty, staff, and students who do not have a permit authorizing parking in Rutgers lots, cannot park in Rutgers lots at any time.

The MGPAC Ticket Office cannot waive parking citations for any reason. Appeals must be made directly to RUDOTS:

Registration Links
Registration is free and applies immediately. Visitors only need to register once per month.

The registration links below redirect to the RUDOTS registration pages. When registering, enter email, state, license plate number, and click Add. On the next page, click Register. A confirmation email will be sent after completion.



Parking for Kirkpatrick Chapel
Please Note: Parking registration for the 4/26 performance at Kirkpatrick Chapel is not required.


Main Ticket Office Daytime Hours: use the weekday before 6:30 p.m. registration link.

Rutgers Parking Lots
Use the parking lots indicated in the registration confirmation email. For specific locations, see Maps & Venues.

New Brunswick Performing Arts Center

RU DOTS Lot Prohibitions
Unless otherwise indicated in the registration confirmation email, these Rutgers lots are prohibited.

  • Lot 70: Adjacent to Douglass Deck.
  • Lot 73: Marryott Music Building.
  • Lot 78: Loree Gym.
  • Circle drive in front of the Mason Gross Performing Arts Center.


General Services

We respectfully request that tickets for patrons with disabilities be purchased no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled performance time.

Accessibility services are available but vary greatly between our venues. For more specific accessibility information and services for individual events, email the ticket office during daytime ticket office hours. In order for us to provide the best service for our patrons with disabilities, email the disability request no later than 24 hours prior to the performance you are attending.

All venues are accessible except for Schare Recital Hall.

Accessible Bathrooms
All venues feature accessible bathrooms except for Schare Recital Hall and Kirkpatrick Chapel. Accessible bathrooms for the Philip J Levin Theater is located next door in the Victoria J Mastrobuono Theater.

Assistive Services
Audio description, sign language interpreting, and select publications in alternative formats such as Large Print, Braille, and CD format are available. Advance notice for all services is necessary.

Hearing Impairment

  • American Sign Language-interpreted: Email the ticket office no later than two-weeks in advance of the performance.
  • Assisted listening devices: Request at performances for Philip J. Levin Theater, Victoria J. Mastrobuono Theater, Nicholas Music Center, and the New Brunswick Performing Arts Center.
  • Supertitles: Opera Theater Rutgers performances not performed in English.
Accessible Seating

First-come, first-served accessible seating is available in specified sections of seating areas. Accessible seats are available until 10 minutes prior to the performance time. It is suggested that patrons call or email the ticket office in advance for more specific venue information.

Parking & Drop-Off

In order to park in Rutgers University lots, visitors are required to register vehicles for accessible or non-accessible parking spaces. Accessibility tags are required in designated accessible parking spaces.

Accessible parking is limited. Patrons are welcome to be dropped off in front of our venues. After drop-off, patrons must park in the approved RUDOTS parking lots for that venue.

Nicholas Music Center, Philip J Levin Theater, Victoria J Mastrobuono Theater, Loree Dance Theater, Schare Recital Hall in Marryott Music Building, Shindell Choral Hall in Mortensen Hall, Rehearsal Hall Room 104, and Voorhees Chapel

Available in designated spaces adjacent to Nicholas Music Center & lot 79A in front of Hickman Hall.

Loree Dance Theater

Available in designated spaces in the Douglass Parking Deck.

Kirkpatrick Chapel

Available in designated spaces in between the Chapel and the Old Queens building as well as by Geology Hall. It is suggested that those who require accessible parking make arrangements for drop off and pick up at performances at Kirkpatrick Chapel.


Visit for more information.